Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Mileage goal!!!

All the tiu girls are striving to get 100 miles done by valentines day. I started late but I've mapped out my plans so that I can still achieve this. Additionally I have plans to lose 2 lbs per week  so If I really am 172 lbs at this point then I want to be 164 by valentines  day.

But then what?!

The tiu #loveyourbody series will be over the the tiu #bikiniseries doesn't start for a few months later! I believe it was like early may-mid June or something. 

Well my birthday is may 10. I want to challenge myself to 500 miles by my birthday! I know it's a lot but I've mapped it out and it's totally doable. My goal will also be to be at 140 lbs by my birthday which is almost a consistent 2 lb per week drop so ill really have to stay focused! I can do this. How far I came last year tells me I can do this. :)


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