So the thing that I ordered
(as mentioned in last Saturdays post) is the
Ultimate Body Applicator. Check out
their website and you'll see why I was so curious. After hearing about it, I googled it and almost all the reviews I could find simply said how amazing it is. Some people expressed concern that it was just water weight, but nonetheless they saw dramatic results. I guess curiosity just got the better of me. I purchased a single applicator from Amazon for
$25, instead of a pack of 4 from the website for $100. I know I heard that Kim Catrell, the actress, has used it before. And they gave them away at the Oscars to all the stars in their Oscar bag.

I used the applicator after an overnight shift at work. I put it on at 7:00, adjusted it at 7:15am because I realized I didn't unfold the whole thing, and left it on for a few hours. The packaging says 45 minutes minimum. The results are supposed to continue for 72 hours after the applicator is removed. Well, I can honestly say I see immediate results. If you look at the bottom of my gut, you can see how much it pulled in. And you can notice some slight definition in the center. After wearing it for 3 hours, my hips lost 1/2 inch. My stomach lost 1 inch. My waist lost 1/2 inch.I didn't take measurements after the 72 hours but I did take pictures and it actually is pretty drastic! I didn't lose any weight so the results are not water weight. It's somehow just toning the skin or something, I think, and firming the area it's applied to. I would seriously consider purchasing a kit so I can do a few more rounds and see if it can tighten the extra skin even more. :) By the way, I seriously apologize for the underwear pics! I try to wear shorts or something but I was getting ready for work and I knew I wouldn't be able to take a picture till I was at like 80 hours since I applied it, so I shot 2 pictures as I was getting ready. Sorry! But what's also exciting is the wrap can be used on the stomach, thighs, arms, and even face/chin! And I read reviews that said it works wonders on stretch marks. I had a good experience with it.
It does smell strong *kind of like Vicks Vapor Rub*. And it was weird to put on because its all this lotion/goo on the side you put on your stomach and they recommend you wrap yourself with saran wrap to keep it in place (as many people wear it for more hours to get more dramatic results). I was laying down watching TV, still hadn't slept after my overnight shift, and I must have drifted off to sleep because then my boyfriend came to lay next to me before he got ready for work. I was so nervous to move because I didn't want him to hear the saran wrap squeak. LOL! I didn't want to try to explain what the heck I was doing. Haha.
Now, one last thing I want to say. I didn't work out AT ALL during these results. I actually ended up drinking less water than usual, as well. These were not my intentions but it's what \happened and yet these were still my results. I'll be honest - I don't feel skinnier, or lighter. I have not lost any weight, like some people did. But I do look in the mirror and feel more confident and smaller. For me, personally, I feel the results had a lot to do with firming and tightening excess skin! I am hesitant to purchase more because I don't exactly FEEL better, but I am almost convinced to buy more because I LOOK better (before/after pictures honestly convinced myself?). I don't know what else to think, considering I didn't work out AT ALL and drank LESS water. *Again, these were not my intentions. I'm sure the product would work even better if I followed those tips but it simply didn't happen as planned and yet I still see those dramatic results. Pretty Cool!*
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