I've been fantasizing about being the type of person who runs races. Last year I had it on my goal list to run a 5k which is 3.1 miles. A 10k is 6.2 miles. The thing that is sticking in my head about these numbers is that last spring I was actually doing 5-7 mile runs twice a week. I could have done a 10k even but I was too scared to commit! I kept telling myself I wasn't ready.
Since last spring I have let my body get back to where I was when I started. I'm ashamed and embarrassed but it's time to accept it and move on.
I registered for a half marathon happening on may 18th at a local forest preserve. I'll admit that when I signed up I was thinking 5k even though it said half maathon. After I paid the registration fee I realized a half marathon is 13.1 miles! After my moment of panic I gave myself a pep talk.
Itll be a challenge. It'll 100% be the most challenging physical endeavor of my life (at least so far) but it'll also be the proudest accomplishment.
So there it is. I'm doing it. I may not finish it but at the day I'll have come sooooo far from where I am right now.
Half marathon training starts NOW!
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