Monday, May 6, 2013

Trials & Trails

So I have been sticking to the bikini series REALLY well so far. I haven't missed any workouts! Kind of proud of myself for that one especially since most of these routines (all?) are pretty challenging! I have stuck to the TIU nutrition plan really well except I splurged over the weekend on drinks and had homemade tacos on Sunday for Cinco de Mayo. Still I made sure every day my calorie intake was below my limit. But I don't think my weigh in this week will be too great. I got another compliment at work today though which of course felt nice.

I've taken up running at the forest preserve. Saturday I went for a hike there, then Sunday I did a 45 minute jog, and today I did the Itty Bitty cardio routine there. It's nice to be surrounded by trees and other people trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The only downside is now bees are coming out and sometimes I have to run from them (that's when I find the energy I never knew I had to sprint). lol.Today during my Itty Bitty Cardio I still struggled with the sprinting, especially in the 2nd round, but I managed to jog for most of it.

My biggest struggle at the moment is actually an unexpected one. I have been having trouble sleeping. At first I knew it was insomnia from getting my monthly (which is normal for me) but now that it's over I still haven't been able to get a solid nights sleep. I feel exhausted and have been getting headaches and my weight loss is going to slow down if my body doesn't get that time to rest. Today I bought Vitamelts for sleep... Hoping that will give me that added drowsiness to conk me out for the whole night. lol

My boyfriend and I are still struggling to get along and not to sound cliche but I seriously think it's his fault. He's rarely ever in a good mood and he doesn't hesitate anymore before snapping at me about every little thing. I'm tired of arguing especially when I have a really good day, I'm proud of myself and totally exhausted from workouts, and then he decides to get chippy. I want to hatchet that chip off his damn shoulder so he'll just be in a slightly more normal mood. Everything is always so doom and gloom with him lately and I seriously cant get why. I want to say just forget my birthday if it's such a hassle. :/

But I am extremely proud of my progress and motivated to keep going. This #bikiniseries has already been the biggest blessing and I almost** dont want it to ever end (easy for me to say beginning week 2! Ha, wait to see what I say at week 7 or 8).

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