Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Down 2.8 lbs

165.8 lbs
31.9% fat
49.8% water
32.7% muscle

So I'm down 3 lbs from last week, but Sunday I was at 170 so I don't really understand what weight I actually am. My fat has gone down .7%... And my muscle has gone up .3% Good stuff, just hope it sticks. My results don't seem to last throughout the week which has been really annoying me.

Then, in honor of it being the first day of Spring, and a whopping 15 degrees, here is my first bikini picture. I love how my legs are shaping up but I'm still really wanting to see my gut toned.  The Drop 10 Challenge starts today so in 5 weeks I am hoping to be at 155! No excuses! Gotta do it.

I don't know if it's the cold weather or lack of the results I want to see, but my motivation hasn't been there for a few days. I went to the gym yesterday and my wifi wouldn't connect at all so I attempted a workout with no music. It was rough but I did pretty good. I ran at 6.0mph for the first time, (only for 1 minute) while attempting some interval training. I've read that the after burn or an intense workout totals to more calories burned than in a longer workout, so that's what I went with. Gotta say, it felt good to work really hard and be done with the workout sooner! :)

Happy Spring! Every day, remember to be SORE, not SORRY and you'll get the results you're looking for!

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