About a week and a half ago I posted about Jillian Michael's suggested workout routine, here. I have not followed up on this yet but I still want to give it a shot because I am worried about neglecting a part of my body. I have been trying out her Killer Buns and Thighs workout and I have only done level one 3 times, but each time I hurt so bad afterwards! And it's not just my butt and thighs that hurt, my arms and shoulders hurt too because she has us in plank position for a lot of the workout. I think the next time I do it I'll attempt level two since March is really running away from us! I want to get in at least 3 level two workouts and 4 level three workouts. As she always says, you only get out of a workout what you put into it!
So about her workout suggestions... I made these quick reference polyvore images to help me remember which workouts she wants me to do each day. I think I will add them in addition to my cardio and thigh DVD workouts. Maybe I'll just do 2-3 sets of 10 to get in the habit, and then as time goes on I can put more effort into it and start seeing more results. I often have trouble remember what a "Bent over high row is" or a "seated lat row" so I thought this might help me get it done!
And I think on Friday I will post some thigh progress pictures. I don't think much will show but that will mark the middle of the month and I better be at least 1 workout into level two by Friday.
So tonight starts another series of overnights at work. :/ I wasn't going to take part in them because my sister was scheduled for surgery but that got postponed so now I have to do the overnights. It really bothers me how it throws off my sleeping schedule and eating habits. If I wake up at 8am tomorrow (which is wishful thinking, I'll probably get up at 5 or 6)... Then Ill eat breakfast by 9, lunch by 1, and dinner by 5. Then... take a nap till 9pm, and start work at 10pm? Do I avoid eating during the overnight, get home at 630am, sleep and pretend when I wake up around noon on Wednesday that its breakfast time? Then I'm overnight again Wednesday and Thursday, get home at 630am on Friday (which technically counts as my day off which is BS if you ask me)... then Saturday off and back to 4am by Sunday. It's really frustrating and it cannot be healthy! The best approach I can think of it to have 6 small meals on Tues/Wed/Thur. I don't want my body to get confused and think I'm starving it and then start storing fat for survival when really I'm just trying to get through another lame shift at work. Lol. I figure this might be a situation that 6 small meals/snacks could work, because I'm hardly ever putting my body into sleep mode.
UPDATE: hit a mile stone at the gym today! I jogged at 4.5 mph for 25 minutes! A month ago I wouldn't jog at all, and 2 weeks ago I started trying 5 minute increments of jogging at 4.0 or 4.2. Today I went for it and it felt great! :)
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