Injinji socks |
fitbit |

So for this fitness Friday I am going to post about fitness products that I want and might buy with my tax return. I know I don't need any of them to achieve my weight loss goals, but I do think some of them can aid my healthy lifestyle and at least make me feel a little better. If I'm being honest, I always want things. If I get a sudden interest in painting I go out and buy new paint and canvas. If I get interested in a subject, I'll go out and buy books about it. So for me, it makes sense that as I'm getting interested in fitness I would want to go out and buy new stuff. So one of the first things I want to buy is new shoes! I've had the same workout running shoes for 2 years and it's long over due for me to get a new pair. I was reading
here that because of the wear-and-tear workout shoes go through, they should be replaced fairly often. So I shouldn't feel too bad for dropping $30 at Target on new fitness shoes. When I say it like that though, I could also justify spending $100 on these fitness shoes from Nordstrom. They're both super cute though so I'd be equally happy with the one from Target. The next thing on my list is this pedometer that tracks activity. I saw a calorie counting pedometer at Target and then I searched for them online. This one looks really cool! It's called a
FitBit. It tracks steps, distance and calories burned and it plugs into computers and ipod/iphones for easy access to upload the information. I really want this so I can accurately track what I'm burning at work. Right now I'm just guessing based on things caloriecount.com says and such.
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The next thing I want is this T-shirt from
ViewSport. When you sweat, the words "Train Harder" appear on the lower back. I just think that's a cool motivator. It would probably make we want to sweat enough to make those words appear, and if they didn't appear I'd feel like I didn't work hard enough. And it's really cute! And the last thing I want are these Injinji Womens socks. They are for working out. I want them because they're supposed to help prevent blisters and hotspots which I've already been encountering problems with since I started working out last week.
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So that's it, for now! I want all these cute little fitness things to keep me motivated but the bottom line is I have to choose to do it at the end of the day. :) Still, it wouldn't hurt to look cute doing it. Maybe that will be
one of my incentives. At
150lbs I can buy some new workout clothes instead of new jeans.
That shirts pretty sweet!